Free Boyhood in Best Video Format
Now you can see Boyhood in best quality with duration 164 Min and was published in 2014-07-11 with MPAA rating is 829.- Original Title : Boyhood
- Movie title in your country : Boyhood
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-07-11
- Companies of movie : IFC Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : EspaƱol, English,
- Durationof movie : 164 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.7
- Youtube ID of movie : ESVgF4P221E
- Translation of movie : EN,PT,RU,DE,ES,FR,ZH,HU,DA,CS,IT,FI,EL,TR,NL,SV,KO,HE,PL,UK,RO,JA,
- Cast of movie :Ellar Coltrane (Mason Jr.), Patricia Arquette (Olivia), Ethan Hawke (Mason Sr.), Lorelei Linklater (Samantha), Tamara Jolaine (Tammy), Zoe Graham (Sheena), Sam Dillon (Nick), Nick Krause (Charlie), Shane Graham (Stanley), Taylor Weaver (Barb), Elijah Smith (Tommy), Steven Chester Prince (Ted), Bonnie Cross (Teacher), Sydney Orta (Elementary School Girl), Libby Villari (Grandma), Marco Perella (Professor Bill Welbrock), Jamie Howard (Mindy), Andrew Villarreal (Randy), Tess Allen (Neighborhood Friend #2), Ryan Power (Paul), Sharee Fowler (Book Trivia Judge), Mark Finn (Book Release Emcee), Charlie Sexton (Jimmy), Byron Jenkins (Barber), Holly Moore (Mason's 4th Grade Teacher), David Blackwell (Liquor Store Clerk), Barbara Chisholm (Carol), Matthew Martinez-Arndt (Lee), Cassidy Johnson (Abby), Cambell Westmoreland (Kenny), Jennifer Griffin (Mrs. Darby), Garry Peters (No Obama Man), Merrilee McCommas (Obama Mama), Jordan Howard (Tony), Andrew Bunten (Bully 1), Tyler Strother (Bully 2), Evie Thompson (Jill), Brad Hawkins (Jim), Savannah Welch (College Girl Singer), Mika Odom (Gabi), Sinjin Venegas (Chase), Derek Chase Hickey (Charlie's Friend), Angela Rawna (Professor Douglas), Megan Devine (Make Out Girl), Jenni Tooley (Annie), Landon Collier (Cooper), Roland Ruiz (Enrique), Richard Jones (Grandpa Cliff), Karen Jones (Nana), Gordon Friday (Pastor), Tom McTigue (Mr. Turlington), Martel Summers (Beer Pong Guy), David Clark (High School Band Singer), Jessie Tilton (April), Richard Robichaux (Mason's Boss), Will Harris (Sam's College Boyfriend), Indica Shaw (Hooper), Bruce Salmon (Guitar Player), Wayne Sutton (Beat Box), Joe Sundell (Band Member 1), Sean Tracey (Band Member 2), Ben Hodges (Band Member 3), Daniel Zeh (Band Member 4), Chris Doubek (Guy in Diner), Andrea Chen (Sam's Roommate), Mona Lee Fultz (High School Teacher), Bill Wise (Uncle Steve), Alina Linklater (Twin Cousin 1), Charlotte Linklater (Twin Cousin 2), Genevieve Kinney (Woman at Party), Elijah Ford (Jimmy's Bandmate 1), Kyle Crusham (Jimmy's Bandmate 2), Conrad Choucroun (Jimmy's Bandmate 3), Maximillian McNamara (Dalton), Jessi Mechler (Nicole)
Movie synopsis of Boyhood :
Free Streaming Boyhood in Best Quality with movie summary "The film tells a story of a divorced couple trying to raise their young son. The story follows the boy for twelve years, from first grade at age 6 through 12th grade at age 17-18, and examines his relationship with his parents as he grows." in top quality. Full Streaming Boyhood in HD Format by visiting the download link.
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Director : Richard Linklater, Writer : Richard Linklater, Producer : Richard Linklater, Producer : Cathleen Sutherland, Producer : Jonathan Sehring, Editor : Sandra Adair, Director of Photography : Lee Daniel, Director of Photography : Shane F. Kelly, Producer : John Sloss, Production Design : Rodney Becker, Production Design : Gay Studebaker, Casting : Beth Sepko, Costume Design : Kari Perkins
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Tags: daily life, family's daily life, urban life, divorce, family,
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